Sunday, 30 October 2016


What are intentions?
In the world of spirituality, our spirit, the one we all have, you set intentions. Like the intent to sell, but you're hopefully not looking to sell drugs as a goal or intention.

1. Listen more, talk less. That is a career goal of mine. I often feel I have so much to say that I can say too much and I find I am not listening suddenly. Like hit me with your problem and let me go through my register of outcomes and deliver them all to you-- no no it's ok Colleen. Just listen.

2. Let IT BE: Letting go is hard. I am focusing on just letting things be. For example, any relationships in my life that feel out of balanced, if I have tried and nothing has been reciprocated- LET IT GO DARN NABBIT! It's this little devil inside of me thats like NO YOU CANNOT IGNORE ME I MUST KNOW THINGS! Which is cool if they do not want to share because sometimes people do  have the right and privacy to their own stuff, just like I do. Though, I like to talk about my stuff on a public forum for myself and the relativity of others, some people would rather stay silent. (Ya you) 

It's not even that- just let me know. Commmunicate- hey i'm not going to be speaking to you or anyone likely for a few days (especially if they're close- just sayin') its respectful and mature. Take care of you for sure! Please just don't disappear.

3. Be even more adventurous - the higher I go, the more I see, the more I am grateful and its beautiful and natural. And best part is I've yet to get out of Ontario in a while, imagine what that will look like? I get excited about the Pittock Dam in Woodstock....

4. Meet like minded friends and keep them. I have a good round up right now to be honest, as I have noticed that my friends come in and out of my life to teach me lessons. It's not about not liking me or not having interest in me,  but we likely do have different interests now. However, each and every one of them have taught me something about them and myself that I can utilize going forward. Now its about finding those people who I can share my time with in a comfortable, happy, go girl atmosphere. 

5. Meet up with Michael Landsberg finally and get something going for Woodstock's Community. We have been emailing again and yesterday he said we might have a duel of who is more passionate about "what we are passionate about" Landsberg versus Rennie. Never saw the day, but I like it. I am working it. I could not be told one more time or advised that I am meant for the public eye and not because I am pretty or need attention, but because I can grab peoples attention and get them focused on what I am saying. I resonate with people. I engage with them even if they know nothing about me. Something about my "presence" and I am owning it. ( I used to go to my exes christmas party dinners and every year I was told how when I walked in people just stopped and heads turned- call me cocky, whatever, it's not about me looking good as it was being compared to Jackie O- JFK's Wife- It's grace it's not "oo check me out" I like class, that's power but not one I take advantage of...yet) 

6. Implement Grace everywhere I go 
7. Speak 10 times in 2017 at LEAST (had to throw that in there) 
8. Self love- I love myself but I want to love myself. I want to take a picture and not say things like "oh man my skin! or my hair line!" JUST QUIT IT! I AM LUCKY AND GRATEFUL I HAVE AND AM WHO I AM! (YELLING AT MYSELF)
9. Continue volunteering while doing my placement, as I know that both my experiences have led to amazing outcomes and I cannot help but melt when my students ask where I am! "I NEED HELP IN MATH!" (wrong girl, but hey! I'll take it) 

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