Sunday 10 January 2016

My family!

 It is very rare that my family gets to see each other all in one time, but this year we made sure to at least photograph the times we did have together. Its hard when you're older and your siblings are home because as much as you want to see them its like "ya but I have a whole other life you're just sorta not apart of it..." which is not to say I don't invite them, I just know they'll be bored. As we grow older our interests differ and that's ok that's life. It's more taking in the moments you wouldn't previously consider "moments," as you gotta make the best of whatever comes.

Accept what comes, what is.. what has been. This guy, my eldest brother Garrett, has been out of Canada for 10 years! 11 now. He visits but we all know that is not the same. Mind you, contrary to any year previous he brought his girlfriend, Lucy. Aka Louie. She is WONDERFUL! And she happens to be 24, a 1991 baby! #score #thatshowedhim (I would be so ok if they married, just sayin')

Having Evan around is always awesome. When were not annoyed of each other...weve stuck together since we were little guys I guess...

I am very grateful for all the people in these photos.

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