Monday 11 January 2016


This morning on my way to school it finally hit me: all those years I lived on University Avenue-- 4/12 years--I spent so much time thinking "where will I be?" "What am I gonna do?" Little did I know I'd be a 4 minute drive from there to where my career takes me now... an elementary public school where I am there all day long working alongside kids.

I spent nights, days, weeks crying and crying with that awful feeling so many of us experience of "what am I doing?!" "am I doing the right thing?" "Am I happy with what I am doing?"

All I can say is this: listen to your gut. If you've ever felt heart break before than think about leaving your current situation now and intuitively feel that out. How does it feel? Similar to that last heart ache? If nothing at all..That's ok. If you get a warm fuzzy feeling i'd say stick it out...

Think about your next option...does your head start to spin with exciting ideas? or does your stomach curl thinking "it just doesn't feel 'right'? (don't think about the education piece or the length of time it might take you, it's your life. You have time)

If you're already thinking about the transition and there is something or someone holding you back. Consider these briefly because if your friend/lover/mother really loves you, they'll support you. They'll go with you, or cheer from the side lines in another town-- whatever! Just make sure you're doing whats right FOR YOU. Not your Dad, not your brother, not your sister. YOU.

I need to stop worrying SO much. 
Goodness. Happy Monday! 
Dorothy xo 

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