Friday 23 September 2016

Fight back day 4

If you're better on your own and you want to let them know say yeaaahhhhhhh! 

Or if you don't have a choice. 
Earlier in these posts I spoke of a new boy. I haven't heard from him in 3 days and anyone who knows me knows communication is my bitch. 

I even had to take it as far as to read a note from my studies regarding how important communication is to break the silence of ink acknowledged pain. Everyone deals with things differently and that's that. I am so in love with school that that's ok to focus on. 
I have this gut feeling that I'm "ready for love" and by that I mean I want to find my best friend. The next time I find myself in a relationship I'm not screwing around. (Sorry boys, I bet 99% of guys reading this just went 'omg she wants to get married," NO! I just want a companion and there's nothing wrong with that. 
Who wouldn't want to enjoy spending their time with someone they love and laugh with? I love my girlfriends but I need that male reality kick in my life--like my brothers gave me my whole life. Almost like I sit back and go "girls...." My brothers raised me to be a cool chick. I get along with the dudes! I'm not cooler when I say that I know. 
I want to find that someone who enjoys their life and lives it, and allows me to live mine but ultimately wants me apart of their life, that whole inclusion piece. I want someone to be interested in what I'm doing, I mean it's child and youth care and mental health. People cringe when they hear these stories but they're happening in your backyard, just wake up and see. You won't find this in a TS bank canter. You'll find the parents maybe...
Material is never easier to hear. I'm genuinely thankful for my history background because it's like the prerequisites for these courses. They all have a historical perspective and context and when, say for example, we discuss why Trudeau is fighting so hard for Bill 43 regarding corporal punishment against kids by parents or caregivers, teachers. CAN YOU BELIEVE WE HAVE TO GO BACK AND FIX THAT? I mean I can, I know there's a load of unknown and long forgotten laws but it ignites that passion where i just stand up and I can't help but say "YOURE KIDDING?!" What in heavens.. And you wonder why no one is happy. Children are the second most discriminated population in the world. The first being LGBTQ. 

It's too bad we can't accept and love people for who and what they are; they're quirks, perfectly imperfect flaws that make them individually beautiful and unique. 

In other news... 

I've been stepping out of my "comfort zone" in terms of trying to manage emotions and switch up my scenery, listen to advice therapists gave me over the years I never tried, dancing in my underwear, ALONE! As the reality is most people don't want forever they just want the pleasure. 
I'm worth more
I deserve good. I've worked for good. 

I hit the gym twice again but lightly, as I am still sick so I need to be careful. 
I've been invited to a wedding on Saturday and I hit Grail springs Sunday. 

SO LUCKY FOR ME I GET TO HEAL! In my haven with my favourite person ever, Sabaina Malik- old boss whose become family and is my sister/mother. I can't wait to see my horse Natasha. AND WE GET TO BE with some pretty cool people, influential one might say... I'm not even at liberty to say who. 

K so I have to tell a funny story because fuck it I'm 24 turning 25 I'm living this life of what do you do next and I've done nothing for a while. But nothing I mean I brought up I had never had tinder and was looked at like I just told these people "what's and iPhone?" Like sorry, I was in a relationship for years and then I guess I didn't feel the need. Still don't. 
BUT I TRIED IT! For less than 4 minutes. I had to see what it was like and I'll tell ya, it's so unnatural and weird.. I just felt like I was left swiping for fun. It wasn't because these guys aren't great I'm sure they are but bro your 14 not 24, enough with sunglasses, and frankly I don't trust ANY of you HAHAHAHAHAHA! 
as I said I wasn't looking for my husband but why even bother? FOR ME! 

I know friends who have had great success on tinder and I'm genuinely happy for those people. Maybe it's my location but I put the speedometer at 160 KM AND Toronto is only 126 hahahah! I do my research. 

Just another day in the #LifeOfDorothy 
Complex, emotional, hilarious, weird and totally natural.
Riddle me that 

Happy Thursday all πŸ™πŸΌπŸŒ·

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