Monday 19 September 2016

Fight Back day 1

I can be a little punk sometimes.
I dig and I dig, people lie to my face like I don't know better.

I walked into my old place and rather than stuff being taken away from my apartment, my ex left his bed sheets with from him and his new ex. Classy.

I'm gonna settle this pain once and for all. This human doesn't deserve my respect  nor my families after all the shit we've done for him. You're a liar. You're a cheat. And you're not my problem anymore. Blame it all on me, you will and have anyways. I'm sick, not weak.

Any kind person would have respect. Principle before personality. Let's leave it out for my sick ex girlfriend, oh for sure! Thanks bro.
These people will try eating us alive. They don't care. If they did they would have a bone in their body that would appreciate the horrors you still experience because of their past. They refuse to help you....

Take yourself home.
Take the wheel when you lose control. When I am lying here I don't need you, I don't want someone like that to fix my broken soul, you'll only further damage it. Every day it get's easier.

Everything you ever said was a lie. Where are you? No where.
I'm alone. Again.
But this time I'm not fucking afraid and I have you to thank for that. I'd rather be miserable alone than miserably fake with you.

I have my mom, j bird and puppies

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