Monday 23 January 2017

Dorothy's Dog Dedication Series #4Dante

January can be a rough month for some of us both mentally and physically, especially on our brains. Moods drop. Motivation is all over the place.
This week is a toughy, as some or many might know my dog Dante went to doggy heaven on the 27th of this month just last year so it's still tough but I'm goning to attempt to commemorate by putting a positive intention of love out there  (IT IS also my moms 🎉 birthday!) and I want to celebrate the fact we have so much to be grateful for with the 3 german shepherd "pups" we still have and love every day. Time to "show off" these furry creatures 🐾I won't be in all of them, but I call this the #Dorothy'SDogDedicationSeries (I'm not going to apologize if it bores you, they are each hilarious and unique.) #LifeOfDorothy #ToDante

(Find these posts on my mental health advocacy/positive reminder instagram page @lifeodorothy) 

#Dorothy'SDogDedicationSeries Day 1:
Meet Owen. This guy is one adorable, peculiar character whose aim everyday is to "watch mom," he thinks a lot as everything he comes into contact with (to this day) he is totally skeptic about. It's pretty sweet, but sometimes it's like "it's just your dinner!!! Just eat your dinner owie!!!" But I'll sit with him until he does till I have to!
We were "given" Owen to us but we more accepted him into our family immediately (he was so sweet!) ironically the only person who didn't want Owen was my mother at the time because he peed everywhere all the time and we had just had that with Dante and Chloe (the girl dog I'm usually with, Maui we didn't have as a puppy puppy) unfortunately the little guys mom passed so who knows how much influence the mama bear had. Doesn't matter. We love him to bits. Top right corner is a fraction of the "strange and funny" positions he sits.
I love this barking weirdo đŸ’™đŸž Thanks for always giving me 4450000 kisses I won't complain about how overwhelming it is. THANKS for keeping mom safe especially in the night time. 

Your'e always smiling and without a doubt can put a smile on my face instantly. I love you so much it's concerning!!!! 

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