Monday 6 February 2017

Love is Not Disposable

To All My Single Souls: You have got to believe you are worthy of love, that whatever relationship you aspire to is possible, as are the associated attributes or traits you are willing to receieve and reciprocate (except for those individuals already in a relationship, that's not a risk worth taking). 

Start with baby steps, what is the feeling you're chasing? What does that look like? (find a video or movie to inspire this feeling, I found my today ironically) link here:

Who is it that can make you laugh till you cry and forget about everything that made you mad in the first place? Who drives you to want to become a better person, not one day, but in your everyday life? Who do you want to share that with? After a long day or maybe a not so long day, who do you want to spend time with? For me, who can I just be level with and be myself, love and be loved for all that I am and all that you are. Tolerance, acceptance, passion, compassion, harmony, forgiveness and love.  

Write it down. 

[Intro: Conversation between a man and woman]

Woman: I don't think there's a word for what that is!

Man: Actually there is a word for that, it's
love. I'm in love with her, okay? If you're looking for the word that means caring about someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to have everything they want no matter how much it destroys you, it's love! And when you love someone, you just, you don't stop, ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy
Even then, especially then! You just, you don't give up because if I could give up, if I could just, you know, take the whole worlds advice and.. and move on and find someone else that wouldn't be love! That would be, that would be some other disposable thing that is not worth fighting for!

I didn't hear from you, yeah
Not a fucking thing from you, yeah
Lay here in bed thinking about HIM
Loudest silence that I ever heard

People say they gon' change, but it never happens
And we go back to old ways and old habits

A N* just so used to getting reprimanded
I had to hear the silence just to understand it, woo

Since you been gone it's been a lot of silence I forgot

[Outro: Conversation between a man and woman]

Woman: I can't shake it, I-I-I can't shake this feeling that nothing about me and Barney makes any sense

Man: But love doesn't make sense! You can't logic your way into or out of it! Love is totally nonsensical, but we have to keep doing it or else... we're lost and-and-and-and love is dead and humanity should just pack it in. Because love is the best thing we do. I know that sounds cheesy but it's- it's just true
You love Barney…
And he loves you…"

I found this song and I had to share the lyrics because it gets me thinking every time. According to my favourite sit com sister, the intro and outro is from When I met Your Mother? But it's dead on!

I recognize now that I am one beaming light of love, as even my "sister" said to me "who and what don't you love Coll? Even when you don't love something, you find a way to and say 'k no that's mean,' I'm sure....," which is so true, but I'm trying to set a good example too (didn't catch on their so swiftly haha)  Sometimes I wonder if that's why I'm not meant to be with one person, not in a promiscuous way, but that I am not meant to be held down so I can expand my reach of love to so many young people and communities. It's powerful stuff. I PITY THE FOOL WHO FALLS IN LOVE WITH ME! (just kidding, I will love you so much) 

I believe in the universe, divine timing and guidance. I read a sign the other day that said "If you're looking for love, Stop. It will find you when you are doing what you love," so I am going to keep on keep on doing what I love and I have faith that this old soul lovin' will find/finally make the jump with someone I know. It's exciting. Endless possibilities or is he standing right in front of me? WHATEVER! 

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