Friday, 15 April 2016

Why must all good things come to an end?

Have I ever told you how much I love my day job that ends in less than a week (I need to get it out)? I currently work in an elementary school as a Child and Youth care counsellor. 
So I work individually with our youth (and their families) in developing or supporting their mental and emotional health. Learning Exceptionalities, also known as special education, behavioural and emotional issues are also my forte and area of study. 

I'm a college student so this "job" of mine is actually a placement that I've been gratefully honoured ---an opportunity to work at an incredible local school. And I'm not just sucking up, this school is...all I could have ever asked for. The staff are so supportive and kind, it just feels like home. The students, while they're students and have their moments, are a huge, huge reason of why I am smiling so often these days. Without a doubt the MOMENT I touch that schools property they start running towards me yelling my name like I'm a one woman show- one Dorothy instead of one direction- and seeing them accomplish ANYTHING; from one kid apologizing to another kid and seeing them make up instantly and it's SERIOUSLY forgotten, to "helping" them with their math and they have to correct me, making them right and seeing their faces light up. Or when they say things such as "in your day," like I've been on this earth long enough to know what the world was like when we had no electricity. Or colour. 

I love when a kid feels weak and poor about him or herself and I get to be the person who reminds them how untrue that is because EVERY human on this earth has a purpose. You're all so amazing you just can't see it through my lenses, but neither could I was a kid. But that's why I'm there. To keep encouraging, supporting, "teaching" , laughing, smiling, sharing, helping- you name it I'm gonna do it. They deserve that- kindness and compassion. We all deserve that kindness and compassion.

I love you all!
Find someone to hug today or smile at, it'll make their day! 

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