Monday 18 April 2016

That time is now

I've seen this quote before and applied to my life once but here I am again. 
With 4 days left until I'm done my placement, but also compete in the most mentally and physically demanding competition of my life. 
Loves soccer, but this is so brand new.

Our dance theme song is to a jam called don't be so hard on yourself and it's so fitting for this entire process. I'm so grateful this morning, for my sobriety, but more so for my bravery. I get so nervous, naturally, even Beyoncé will tell you she's nervous when she's not nervous; but when you're up there you've got a couple choices: back out and flop- though I've put so much effort into everything about this, my walk, my posture, my poses, MY HEART! But don't be so hard on yourself 

We're gonna do this, no matter the outcome I'm damn proud . 

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