Saturday 7 February 2015

To My "Little Sister"

When you're out in this scary world, I want you to remember this one lesson I should have paid more attention to growing up and need to remind myself to this day till I find the one
  1. An intimate relationship is based strictly on physical attraction. – Being beautiful is more than how many people you can get to look at you, or how others perceive you at a single glance.  It’s about what you live for.  It’s about what defines you.  It’s about the depth of your heart, and what makes you unique.  It’s about being who you are and living out your life honestly.  It’s about those little quirks that make you, you.  People who are only attracted to you because of your pretty face or nice body won’t stay by your side forever.  But the people who can see how beautiful your heart is will never leave you.

I'm honoured to be apart of your life, darling! You know who you are. 

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