Thursday 26 November 2015

A very Merry Happy Unbirthday to you!

I just had my 24th birthday! The SECOND birthday I have had sober. I have been so busy with school, I have rarely had time to write let alone enjoy my birthday! But I did. I spent it surrounded by people I love, the seldom 4 or 5 of us. And to know it was Suicide Survivor Day-- that was a gift in itself simply because it fell on my birthday...

Ironically 2 nights prior the restaurant right beside my apartment building, Bauer Kitchen, was doing a "Meet the Wine Maker" event and asked for Rennie Estate to be apart of it. My father happened to be in the Yukon (No, Michael he was not hunting) he was hunting "money" as he would say. What this meant was that my mother and myself got to "run the show" do the walk arounds. Best part: We're both sober!!! HAHA! It was, in a sense, the birthday I never had. I would have loved to celebrate on a night like that, but I'm happy my family got the light on them. I'm so busy and filled with two volunteer positions between CMHA and now the United Way Oxford.

My incredibly close friend from school and I Brittany, britters, my britt britt-- are fortunate enough to be apart of the UDodgeball Committee 2016 which means we plan for this massive Dodgeball tournament and I get to be on the social media marketing/promotions side---remember I took history in school, I'm just fluent in grabbing peoples attention I guess- I don't always hate it. So long as it's for the right reasons....I'm so excited. Not to mention I just spent a summer being interned by one of Ontario's finest business consultants..I GOT THIS. (I run the marketing/campaigning for Rennie Estate and my Arbonne business already come on!) No innately have these genes. (Thanks Gman- I get why you wanted me to do business all my life haha! I have never had so many business leadership job offers in my life and it's not even my field! It's so flattering.

So A Very Merry Happy Unbirthday to me and possibly you! Every day should be like my birthday. The feeling I woke up of being special-- I want that everyday. I guess I have to twerk my expectations, as I wont be receiving cake..

I'm grateful my mom was there. I'm so grateful she's happy.. I love this woman dearly.

Dorothy III

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