G- Man is what we like to call my father, Graham, cause he's "the man," "the man with a plan," all witty slogans my brothers have come up with. He is one of a kind I can tell you that much! For starters, when walking into my parents closet you honestly cannot decipher whose side is whose. My dad LOVES colourful fashion attire (apple doesn't fall far from the tree).
Those who know him, or know of him, know he is a brilliant man. It's truly incredible the amount of work hours he puts in.. Anyways! This morning, given that its finally #BellLetsTalk Day, I texted him saying exactly that as I figured after our discussion about the event yesterday he got it. Having said that, he has been crazy busy and rather than not responding, the guy calls me concerned! Concerned as he thought I meant "lets talk," presumably, but how great of a response is that?!
At 9 am intiatives for today were already at 9.6 million interactions. 20 minutes later we're at 12 million. Our total last year was 10 million...OH CANADA! I LOVE IT!
Find me on twitter: @lifeofdorothy
or Instagram: @l.i.fe.dorothy_
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