Monday, 5 January 2015

I want to share my story for all to see! But on Ellen..

2015 "the year of change" I have continued to say to myself. Contrary to previous years where I thought a lot and did not actually "do," excluding last year as it was my first butt kicking year, I'm doing something! Something I've dreamed about but never thought I would actually do is go see Ellen Degeneres live.  My mom also turns 60 this year and I want to make a special memory for this year of birth, as a decade ago we went to see the Mona Lisa! Same significance as Ellen in modern day times if I do say so myself. (Except Ellen actually talks and makes me laugh where Mona Lisa stares blankly and reminds me of my mothers "you're in big trouble stare." Alright, enough jokes.)

I applied to Ellen's tv show to "share my story" and the likelihood of being picked is small to none but I tried! And that's what counts. We were born to try so why not?

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