Monday 4 May 2015


In September of 2014, when I first started volunteering at one of the two school's I work at, I was asked by an amazing woman if I would be willing to go out for coffee with her one time, and this was after the very first time we met. At first I thought "wow I must have really charmed the pants off her,"as she kept repeating how "vibrant, positive, and awesome" I seemed (Not to toot my own horn). Of course I agreed, and Nicole (my sponsor) began to further explain her recent business venture/opportunity, and wanted to share some ideas with me and gather feedback.

For any one who is reading this who recently graduated from college/university/post grad or any type of education, this seemed like a gift from heaven. I genuinely thought I was going to be her wing woman fighting off the bad guys in the mental health systems, while simultaneously practicing my  entrepreneurship. I guess it is fair to say all I heard after the coffee comment was "possible job opportunity, do NOT miss out," so I didn't. 

I went home that night and opened up an email wherein a link was attached and long story short one of my mentors (now anyways) , Tabatha DeBruyn, was speaking about her title as an Executive National Vice President, and Independent consultant of Arbonne International.  To be honest, I felt a little disappointed because I thought this was just another gig like my brother had once done for Cutco Knives; hosting parties, sponsoring team members, investing too much many, more skin care and products that aren't going to work and blah blah blah...and it is all of those things, with the exception of "not going to work", I LOVE IT! The first day of using just the FC5 line for my face/body throughout the course of a week I was amazed at how soft my skin felt, and heck it was fun pampering myself! Especially considering a great deal of the products "forced" me to relax. For example, I used the Purifying Sea Soak, and Nicole had mentioned that her friends used this after a weekend of heavy drinking because it literally "washes away your worries." In their case, hangovers, but in mine, just general stress. I kid you not I sat in this bath around 4pm and within a minute or two I thought "sh!t. I have no idea how I am going to make dinner or do anything else for the rest of the evening," I just sank in happiness.

Safe to say, I extremely value and believe in this company. Not only are the products result driven, but the self growth, and all that the company stands for I am all in. Pure. Safe. Beneficial.

While in Vegas I attended a conference where there was a number of amazing, inspirational speakers, and this was the first time I had ever attended a conference/event for a company I worked for that was A) in another country B) that MASSIVE! Everyone that just watched the big fight last weekened at MGM Grand for thousands of thousands of dollars, I was there the week prior given tools on how to expand my business, listening to peoples starting out stories, and why they made the switch to this company. A great deal were women who took this on as a side gig for a little extra cash for their families to simply be able to do extra activities, sports, vacation,  medical conditions, or simply they were not happy with where they were in life, they felt "unfulfilled" despite how hard they had worked to get to where they are now. Eventually many of these women began to recognize they were making the same, if not more than their annual salary.

Contrary to these women, I had no job, little money, and no desire to work in the business world if that meant I was in some stuffy office, looking at boring computers and numbers. I could not FIND a job in the mental health world because I have yet to earn all the certification I need, so I said lets give it a go! I have sales in my background, and certainly in my blood so how bad could it be? Well, the first two months were the preliminary stage where I thought "what the hell did I just do? I cannot do this! I don't know anyone, I cant speak at these things, I can't! But I gave it a go, got a couple clients and I felt good. Slowly but surely it brought me more and more pleasure, as I would do little tasks each day to learn about the industry itself, as well as the product knowledge, and ever since I have never looked back.

What I began to realize is that I damn well can do this. I have sold bundles and bundles of wine, I had to give tours to groups of 30+ for years and that was simply a script about the winery, process, and fine wines wherein the tourists would buy plenty of after. So when I began thinking of it like that, it became an absolute no brainer. I also began to realize, who else can honestly say their product is as good as what I am selling? Call it difference of opinion, but Arbonne is the bees knees.

My favourite part has to be the Arbonne Charitable Foundation, which was established very recently and has already raised 2.5 Million towards today's youth and their self-esteem (mental health?!) WHAT! First I'm selling product, now were saving lives WHAT!?! (internship reference)
40, 000 teens across the world have beneffitted from this program already. And it sparked a light in my head, I want to be in the mental health world, but I don't want to be the same old same old. It needs a change, a voice of reason for those kids and I know I am that girl. Arbonne has provided me with the financial opportunity to save x amount so that while I am at school learning how to save the world, I can make $ (on my own hours, in my own bedroom if I want).

Eventually I would like to create/establish an education centre unlike anything that exists today, give me some serious time though. The schools in Kitchener that I work at currently are what drive that passion and fire in me everyday, you wouldn't believe how bad it can be these days, and it's everywhere to be honest! But one step at a time.

To the future of today's youth! I am unstoppable folks!


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