This past month I have had the pleasure of seeing a lot of friends and family from where I used to grow up. Some I haven't seen in 5-10 years, and some just under or over a year. Regardless, I'm often told I seem happy and that things are going well, but that I have lost weight.
I have always considered myself to be on the slimmer side, even when I've felt my "largest" (wow that's taken a long time to be able to admit), I just have extra brownie points if you will. I don't particularly like to diet, and that may be due to the fact that In attempting to stay slim throughout university, I literally ate chicken, salmon, and veggies.
Sometimes seasoned but often times not, hence why I believe I have a small aversion to it. Anyways, while I appreciate the compliments what many people tend to forget is that I'm not just on Meds that have the possible side effect of "weight loss" when I ate McDonald's 3 times last week. Desperate times, desperate measures, or an addiction but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
So I choose to eat what I want when I want, within in reason of course. I wish I could always stuff my face but even my body recognizes how icky I feel. It's like when you go away or are simply just eating out meal after meal, you crave something light and homemade.
While I've always considered myself to be of the athletic type, going to the gym became a huge part of my routine for 2 reasons #1. My doctor has told me since day 1 to be more active and I tried but now I'm always active. #2 I'm up early and I find there is no better way to start my day. And no this is not because I don't have a job, I very well do! I just have this new sense of perseverance and determination and keeping my mental health in check is the only way I can succeed, so I work out! I run, do intervals, use old training tricks. But in all honesty, kicking alcohol has been the biggest help.
I don't even want to know how many calories in a night I was drinking, but now I have more energy throughout the day, I'm not overexhaustd, therefore I can't find any reasonable excuse not to go you know? It is also DIGHT down from where I live.
Anyways, the magical secret to my "diet" or fitness is not because I'm not eating (to those who constantly ask "are you eating Colleen? Yes! Some days are much easier than others but boy I eat)
The last comment probably put this whole post to question, but that's only because if you knew me I have these lanky arms that people call bean poles and they lose weight first, which is what I'm often judged off. Not my whole body, just the but they can see, but my butt and thighs will never go away. Go Oakville Soccer!
Keep rocking it out there friends!
Your gal,
Ps. Officially 10 months without alcohol, who am I?! Do you think you could do it? Knowing you aren't an alcoholic but have poor tendencies (my whole generation) that when mixed with alcohol, turns you into something or someone your not? I went from 0 to my own hero! It's hard but it's worth it.
Take a step back and look at yourself. Is what you're doing right now what you want to be doing? Is there more you could be doing but find you don't have the energy? Do you have extra anxiety? Do you regret every time you go out? Or wake up saying "I'm never drinking again," but then do? How often are you blacking out, do you want to carry that on forever? If you think it's a phase, I've seen first hand how bad it can spiral out after the "fun" is over. You're not stuck you have options but YOU have to be the one to make the choice.
I was a huge party girl, and you can ask anyone I know, heck my family makes wine. Yet I still know I'm better off..