Wednesday 22 April 2015


I am head over heels happy to say I went to Las Vegas, Nevada, and had 0 alcoholic drinks! Nothing but constant bottles of water, and of course the odd ginger ale because I've been addicted to that since I was young. WHAT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT FOR ME!

Speaking of ginger ale, my girl B(eyonce) was spotted at that music festival, Coachella, with a good ol' Canada Dry in her hand! YOU GO GIRL!

But seriously. My plane to Vegas was delayed a whole 8 hours. First it was 15, then 30, then an hour, then 4, you get the point. While everyone is losing their mind due to interferences with work, or simply being by the pool drinking, it gave me a lot of time to think about my trip. I had prepared myself mentally for weeks prior to going, as the only two times I've been to Vegas previous to this trip, I was still in my party girl phase. In a way you could say that I had my "experience," but I have a feeling many would shake their heads and look at me and say "but you're so young!" Which is valid. But if you ask my brothers, I've been the age of 30 since I was 15. (Fake I.DS) Plus, it's a depressant, I have depression, we get it.

Having said that, it is not always easy. I will always have the odd thought of "wouldn't things be a tad easier if I could let loose?" but then I remember that feeling I would have later on of regret/hangover/anxiety and think "nah!"

The desert will get you, even if you do have a few drinks! Unfortunately for my boyfriend, he became so dehydrated I had to take him to the hospital as his body began to seize, he was puking up everything we tried putting down, he was shaking, getting delusional-- a slight heat stroke one might say! Classic America, we get to the hospital and they hook him up to an IV and granted he was in excruciating pain, but rather than offering a typical Canadian dose of T3, they gave him morphine!

Long story short, right then and there I knew that despite how fun it may seem, my life is so much better off. It is so full of love, and I give love like never before. I'm helping more children, contrary to working with one young boy I am now working with two other young girls! And of course my Arbonne gig is friggen phenomenal! I love the products, I cannot tell you how big of a game changer they are PURE SAFE BENEFICIAL. and I mean pure. I seriously have no idea why any other skin care line is possibly trying to bother because Arbonne has it all figured out.

Not only are their products 110% result driven, but what the company stands for is really what attracts me. I was at a conference while in Vegas, where the CEO Kay Napier and NVP'S had the chance to speak and tell their tale of how they began, and got to where they are now. Nothing but inspiration and truly making me feel "unstoppable." And guess what? They have a charitable foundation for today's youth, self esteem, which they have now raised 2.5 million for, thus far helping 40, 000 teens around the world. This is a company that will revolutionize the worlds economy.

I am also so excited and proud to say that I officially have an international business and if Nicole Prendergast is reading this, thank you for making this all possible for me. You are my inspiration.

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